Brickwall Hotel – Booking Terms and Conditions

These booking terms and conditions (‘Booking Terms’) are between the hotel (referred to as ‘We’/’Us’/’Our’) named under the ‘Reservation Confirmed with’ section of the Booking confirmation (‘Booking Confirmation’) and the person or legal entity making the Booking (‘You/Your’/They’Their/Them’). These Booking Terms are for the provision of accommodation services (‘Booking(s)’) by Us to You. These Booking Terms are governed by English law and apply to all Bookings. By making a Booking You are deemed to accept and be bound by these Booking Terms.

When You make a payment using a credit card, We (or Our parent company or Our trading name if different) will be displayed as the merchant of record.


Bookings are made and a contract between You and Us comes into effect when We accept a reservation from You. We will accept a reservation when We have confirmed Your reservation and received either: (i) full payment of the total price; or (ii) payment of a deposit equivalent to the value of the first night stay; (iii) any other amount We have specified at the time of Your booking; or (iv) We have agreed to collect payment from You either on arrival or departure. Where a deposit or any other amount that is less than the total value of the stay is paid, the balance will be paid by You directly to Us, on either check-in or check-out or at an earlier date if so requested by direct communication between You and Us. You must be able to enter into a legally binding contract and be over 18 years of age to make a Booking. Bookings must be paid for using a valid credit or debit card or any other payment type specified. When Your Booking is confirmed, a reservation number is given. This number must be retained for access to Your Booking details if cancellation or amendment is necessary. You will need to quote this reservation number when contacting Us.


All prices include VAT where applicable at the current rate. Prices are per room per night. Prices do not include other costs You may choose to incur during Your stay (unless otherwise stated). Prices quoted are correct (unless a pricing error occurs) only for the specific number of guests, dates, nights, and rooms shown.

Arrival and departure

Check-in times are specified on Your Booking Confirmation. Should You wish to check-in outside of the times specified You must confirm this directly with Us. In the event that You attempt to check-in outside of the stated times without prior arrangement, We may cancel the booking and retain any amounts We are entitled to retain as stated in the Cancellation Policy section of Your Booking Confirmation. The check-out time is also specified on Your Booking Confirmation.

Dinner Inclusive Packages

“Dinner Allowance” or “Restaurant Allowance” means a monetary amount for the consumption of food only that is part of an inclusive package per person, per night and part of Your Booking, Price and Payment obligations. When these terms appear in any promotional advertisements or any other material including websites, Your dinner allowance is not transferable and does not include soft or alcoholic drinks. For the avoidance of doubt, any underspends of this allowance cannot be refunded and equally any overspends are to be settled on departure.


We do accept pets but an extra cleaning charge is £20.00 per pet per room per night.

Your Behaviour & persons staying with you and/or in your Group

We operate a zero-tolerance policy in which we will refuse to admit or refuse service or accommodation in the hotel or may remove a person who while on the premises of the hotel if You or those staying with You or anyone that is part of Your Group act in an obviously intoxicated or disorderly manner, destroys or threatens to destroy hotel property, or causes or threatens to cause public disturbance.

Moreover, in the event that You or anyone that is staying with You or anyone that is part of Your Group engage in anti-social behaviour which is, in our sole opinion, behaviour such as shouting, being verbally abusive or intimidation that causes, or is likely to cause alarm or distress towards any of our employees, We will ask You and Them to leave the hotel immediately and without recourse. We may also make a complaint about You and/or Them to the police about Your and/or Their behaviour.

Dress Code

We respectfully request that You wear ‘smart casual’ attire when drinking and/or dining in any of our public areas.

Non-Smoking Hotel

Brickwall Hotel is a non-smoking hotel, if a guest smokes in their bedroom they will automatically incur a £100 charge, which is to cover costs associated with deep cleaning the room, and as the room will not be available immediately for sale.

Lost Key Charge

There is a £50 charge if a room key is lost.

Car Park

The car park is available to guests of Brickwall Hotel free of charge during your stay and subject to availability. Users of this car park do so at their own risk. The management will not accept liability for any accidents damage or loss incurred.

Cancellations & Amendments

If You cancel Your Booking on or before the cancellation deadline specified in the Cancellation Policy section of Your Booking Confirmation (the ‘Cancellation Deadline’) a full refund will be given including any booking extras paid at the time of Your Booking.

If You cancel Your Booking after the Cancellation Deadline You will be charged the full value of the first night of Your booking, including any booking extras You have selected for the duration of Your stay. Should You change the number of guests, dates, room nights or room type (“Amendment”), then the prices are subject to change. Should You request an Amendment and should We not be in a position to accommodate Your Amendment, Your Booking will be cancelled, and a full refund given to You provided that such cancellation occurs on or before the Cancellation Deadline, failing which the terms described in this Cancellation clause shall apply.

Our Right to Cancel

Your breach

We may cancel Your Booking or Group Booking at any time with immediate effect by giving you written notice (which includes email) if (i) you do not pay Us when You are required to do so; or (ii) You break the contract between us in any way.

If We cancel Your Booking where You are at fault, we reserve our legal rights in respect of Your breach of contract. Where Your stay had/has not yet commenced. the total payment made or to be made by You for such Booking shall be deemed a cancellation charge and is not for any service.

Events Outside our Control

We may cancel Your Booking if an event outside our control (including Government closure, industrial action, explosion, fire, flooding, and failure of power and/or water supplies or emergency evacuation) means that we are unable to make your room available to You. In this case We will contact You to let you know as soon as possible and (i) if You have already paid for your room, we will refund Your payment to you; or (ii) if You have not yet paid for your room, You will not have to make any payment to Us.

Save as set out above, We will not be liable or responsible for any failure to perform, or delay in performance of, any of our obligations that is caused by an event outside of our control. This does not affect Your statutory rights.

Group Bookings

A Booking of 2 rooms or more is considered a “Group Booking” and You will be charged the full value for the first night at the time of Your Group Booking and any subsequent nights will be payable 30 days prior to the date of Your arrival.

Group Booking Cancellations

The “Group Booking Cancellation Deadline” is 30 days prior to Your date of arrival. If You cancel Your Group Booking more than 30 days prior to Your date of arrival Your Group Booking will be cancelled and a full refund given to You. If You cancel your Group Booking less than 30 days prior to Your date of arrival your full payment is non-refundable.

You may wish to take out room cancellation insurance in case you need to cancel Your Group Booking.

Early Departure

If you choose to depart early during a ‘multiple night stay’ you will be charged the full amount of the total stay that is 100% of the remaining room nights.

Website Photographs and Videos

The photographs and video are for illustration purposes only, the actual product may vary.


The total amount payable to confirm Your Booking is quoted in Your Booking Confirmation and will be charged to Your credit or debit card offered at the time of Booking or on check-in. Your card statement will display Us (or Our parent company or Our trading name if different) as the merchant of record. All additional goods and services purchased during Your stay must be paid in full directly with Us. We do not accept cash for payment of accommodation.


Other than for death or personal injury caused by Our negligence or fraudulent misrepresentation, Our total liability to You is limited to the price of the Booking and in no circumstances will We be responsible to You for any indirect, consequential or special damages.

We will not be liable for failure to provide the services to the extent that the failure is caused by any factor beyond Our reasonable control. You are responsible for any damage or loss caused to Us, including any damage to Our property by Your act, omission, default or neglect and You agree to indemnify Us and You agree to pay Us on demand the amount reasonably required to make good or remedy any such damage or loss. Further, we reserve the right to terminate Your Booking immediately without being liable for any refund or compensation where You engage in unacceptable behaviour and/or that causes a disturbance or nuisance to Our other guests.

COVID-19 (also referred to as Coronavirus)

You must immediately notify us to the extent that You and or anyone staying with You (or on Your Booking) is (i) self-isolating or (ii) should be self-isolating pursuant to Government guidelines. In any event We reserve the right to cancel any Booking (before or during your stay) to the extent it is for self-isolation.

Terms and Conditions

We reserve the right to change these terms and conditions at any time and You should therefore check them each time You make a Booking. The terms of conditions applying to Your Booking will be those in place on the date that You make Your Booking.

Data Protection

We will process the information You provide to Us in accordance with the relevant data protection legislation. Your personal data may be transferred to Guestline Limited (Registered Company Number: 02661520) including where necessary its subsidiaries outside of the EU. By making a Booking, You consent to this processing of information as described above and the transfer of Your information to our software provider: Rezlynx by Guestline.

Privacy Policy

We are committed to ensuring that your privacy is protected, and We understand the need for appropriate protection of all personal information provided by You to Us. We are committed to ensure that we comply with UK legislation and the Global Data Protection Regulations (“GDPR”). A full Privacy Policy is available on our website.